Saturday, December 31, 2011

My New Hobby

My new hobby is quilling, also known as paper filigree,
or in the simplest terms, paper curling...and is it ever fun!

A few months ago I didn't even know what quilling was.
Now I'm practically addicted.

It's rather interesting how this all came about.

Here. Let me tell you about it.

It started back on January 9th, 2011 with this "Pay it Forward"
post I copied from one I had received.

Two friends responded to my facebook post, Kate and Lynnda.

For the next 10 months I wondered what sort of homemade item
I could make for them. I could make stepping stones,
(See my October Blog, Creating a Stepping Stone.)
but those are expensive and tricky to make.
Something smaller would be better...
like a crocheted bookmark
or a quilted pillow.

But I don't crochet or sew.

I could bake them some of my famous sugar cookies,
but Lynnda is one of the best cooks I know,
and Kate is really into health and nutrition.

Soon winter, spring, and summer had passed
and I still hadn't figured out what I would give them.

Then I saw this article in the Oct. 30th issue of our local paper.

It was all about a 82 year old woman in the nursing home
who has been quilling for years and still loves it.
Her projects look pretty, and not too hard.

So a few weeks later I googled quilling.
I couldn't believe all the web sites, how-to videos,
and images of quilling I found! Some of them
(especially those created by iron-maiden-art)
were simply breathtaking.
I couldn't wait to give it a try.

So I took a few pieces of card stock scraps,
sliced them into thin strips, wound them, and made this flower.

It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad either, for my first try.

I kept practicing and soon I made my first quilled greeting card:
a Birthday card for my mother.

(I spent just as much time on the card as I did
writing the special poem I printed on the back.
You'll find that at the end of this blog post.

The next thing I made was a Thanksgiving card for my boss.
She was quite impressed.

(She's easily impressed.)

Next I made some snowflakes, using regular white paper
and some patterns I found online.

Then I made a housewarming gift for Jeff's sister.

I spent most of December working on Christmas and thank you cards.

Finally it was time to get to my "Pay it Forward" promise
that started it all. I emailed Lynnda and Kate to ask
if they had a favorite Bible Passage. Lynnda gave me Philippians 4:19.
Kate told me her favorite Bible passages change from day to day.
So I decided to keep it simple and use
Philippians 4:19 for both.

Then I cut all different colored strips of paper using my new
Fiskars paper trimmer Jeff got me for Christmas,
and yesterday I finished their pictures...just in the nick of time.
I don't know if I'll get them delivered before the end of the year,
but at least they're done.

Here's Kate's

And here's Lynnda's.

And here's the poem I told you about.

I put it on the back of many of my projects now.

I expect I'll spend much of 2012 the same way I ended 2011,
watching movies on my daughter's old laptop,
as I cut and curl paper to my heart's content.

And I owe it all to that little "Pay it Forward" facebook post.
Who'd of guessed.

I wonder what surprises 2012 will bring...

Happy New Year, everyone!

May your lives be filled with all sorts of
wonderful surprises in the new year.


  1. Welcome to the addiction that is quilling. You should look into the North American Quilling Guild ( The annual quilling conference is a blast. Happy quilling! -Shelly

  2. What beautiful gifts!! I'm happy you've discovered something you enjoy so much. I hope you also continue to enjoy blogging because I greatly enjoy the treats you gives me here each week! Happy 2012!

  3. Yes. I hope to keep blogging, and quilling, and playing my guitar, and taking photos, and going on walks...oh, so many hobbies, so little time! (o:

    Life is just one blessing on top of another. God is good.

  4. I love my "PIF" gift, Linette! I have it posted on my bulletin board at work. It's so pretty!
    Your Christmas cards are so gorgeous! Did you use recycled cards?

  5. Wrapping paper and ribbon. I found one roll of ribbon at the Thrift Store and the other at the dollar store. I am proud to say I have spent very little on this new hobby of mine. I didn't even buy a quilling tool. I use round tooth picks. I like them better because a quilling tool will leave a knotch in the center (like an e) but the center of my quills are round (like an o).

  6. lovely quilling hope you continue with it!
    am a new follower of your blog !!!
