Sunday, September 5, 2010

Encouraging Encouragement

“Nette, come help me.” Somehow my sister Becky had ended up with the job of carving the Thanksgiving turkey. She was maybe 20 years old at the time, and had little experience in this sort of thing. I was no more than 13 and had none whatsoever. Still, I followed her into the next room, ready to do what I could.

Becky took the electric knife in one hand, and a fork in the other.

“What should I do?” I asked when she just stood there staring down at the bird.

“Just give me encouragement.”

I smiled. That I could do.

So while my older sister bravely went to work, I did my part. “Come on, you can do it.” “Nice job!” “Keep it up.” “Ooo, that’s a nice one…”

Perhaps you’re wondering why I’m telling you this story.

Well, you know how some moments stick out in your memory. I don’t mean the major events in one’s life. I mean the simple little moments that you never forget. This is one of mine. I loved it that all she wanted from me were a few words of encouragement. I still smile when I think about it. I was just a kid. But still, she needed and appreciated having me stand by her side and tell her she was doing okay.

There’s another reason I’m telling you this story. September 12th is the National Day of Encouragement. I know this because I happen to work at the MLC Bookstore, and from September 7 – 10 we’ll be giving away 1 free card of encouragement with every DaySpring™ Greeting card purchase in celebration of the National Day of Encouragement, while supplies last.

(Did that sound like a commercial? Sorry. Now back to our blog, already in progress.)

Grandpa Glende was an expert at encouragement. He once told my brother-in-law, Chip, he plays football so well he should play for the Vikings. And several times when I would take him to run errands around town he told me what an excellent driver I was. Honestly, he did. He even said I should get a job as a taxi driver. Obviously, Grandpa’s encouragement was a bit exaggerated at times, but I have to say, I never drove so well as when I had him sitting next to me, singing my praises.

And so I encourage you to be encouraging. And not just on September 12th. Make it a regular part of your conversation. It was that way with Grandpa. And I know my sister Becky would agree, it could and should be that way with all of us.

Come on, you can do it. Nice job!

1 comment:

  1. I don't remember that at all (but I'm pretty bad at carving, so I'm sure it's true!)
    Can't wait to encourage people on Sept 12!
