Saturday, December 29, 2012

To Blog or Not to Blog

This morning I got an email from my mom. It was one sentence.

I check your blog every day.

 I know I haven't been blogging much of late. But I have my reasons.

10. I've run out of topics. I already showed you pictures of my Dicken's Village and shared my Sugar Cookie Recipe. There just aren't that many interesting things in my life to blog about.

9. I have a weekly newsletter. For about a month now I've been sending weekly e-newsletters to the members of SWALC (Southwest Area Lutheran Chorale). I don't put tons of time and effort into these, but enough to make #9 on my list of excuses.

8. I'm a pen pal to prisoners. For the past year or so I've been writing to 3 gentleman who are in prison. I generally do that on Saturday mornings...which used to be my "write my blog" time. I figure the inmates appreciate the letters more than my blog audience appreciates my blogs, so they come first.

7. I write my mom every week. This is something I've been doing for several years. And I only mention it because my mom is my biggest blog fan, and she was the one complaining about my lack of new blog posts, so I thought I'd throw some of the guilt back her way.

6. - 2. My new job.  I sometimes make light of my recent promotion, but the truth is I am now in charge of a small business, 100's of thousands of dollars in merchandise, and three employees. Thanks to the Lord looking out for me, and lots of hard work I haven't made any major blunders...yet. But it's pretty much all I think about. And not just my blog is suffering for it. My house is dirtier, my stuff is more disorganized, and I'm a few pounds heavier than I've ever been before. (Pregnancy doesn't count.) This whole transition from a woman of leisure to a working mom has given me a new appreciation for working women everywhere. You go girls!

1. Who cares. Whenever I blog, the goal is to be clever, or cute, or wise. I fear I only succeed in being overtly pretentious or annoyingly preachy. The fact is, most everything I say in my blogs has already been said by others, with more eloquence and skill than I possess as a writer. I don't know if the effort I put into it is worth anyone.

Disagree? Tell me. If my mom is the only one missing my blogs, (as I suspect) I'll cease and desist.  But if there are others of you who actually enjoyed them and maybe even learned a thing or two from them, I'll just put it on my list of New Year's Resolutions and get it done - period.

If I don't get a response from's been fun. Vaya Con Dios!


  1. Cross posting from Facebook ... so you have an official comment on your blog -

    I greatly enjoy your blog posts. I'm a numbers girl so I'm always in awe of the words which flow from your virtual pen. And I relate so closely to them! But I also understand how creativity gets squeezed with more responsibilities at work. I went from 20 to 30 hours per week and I struggle to keep up with all the things I've committed to at home, church and school. So ... do what feels right. Perhaps keep it there for days you have the time and inspiration, but don't feel committed/bound to regular posting. With love from the Linette fan girl! :-D

  2. Linette,
    I have enjoyed your blogs and totally understand that there are only so many hours in a week to get things done. Many times you made me smile or gave me reason to think. Enjoy each moment in all you do. Denise
