For the past month or so I’ve been conducting an experiment. The results are in!
I wanted to test the following hypothesis: If I practice certain positive behaviors for a period of 26 days, I will see positive results.
The positive behaviors I’m referring to were of this sort: stretch each morning for 8 minutes, sweep the kitchen floor once a day, practice my guitar daily, and so on. Nothing huge. But I had gotten into a bit of a slump. I wasn’t doing much of anything, and I felt a bit like my life was wasting away. So I needed to do something to prove to myself, it didn’t need to be like this. I could do something about it. Or could I? Hence, the hypothesis was formed.
In truth, it took me 37 days to do it. I had a bad week in there. But eventually I chalked off day 26 and my experiment was complete. That was yesterday. Here are the results.
By stretching each morning for 26 days, and doing an assortment of crunches and other simple exercises, I achieved a more limber and toned body. I could actually see and feel the difference.
By keeping a cleaner house for 26 days, it was easier to keep clean, nicer to come home to, and easier to find things. My family appreciated all of those things too, though they never said it. I could just tell.
By practicing guitar daily for 12 days (I added that one about halfway through the experiment) I learned Lisa McCormick's four-step picking style, and have almost mastered St. James Infirmary.
So it worked.
I sort of figured it would. You see, the experiment wasn’t so much to test if it would work, but rather, if I had the self-discipline to keep at it for 26 days. And to be honest, I almost didn’t make it. But in the end I prevailed, and I earned my reward, a brand new copy of Mark Paustian’s book, “Prepared to Answer,” which I recently checked out from the library and decided I wanted to own for myself.
Now, I’m not telling you this story to brag. (Okay, maybe a little.) I’m sharing this with you to try and encourage you to do your own little experiment. It doesn’t have to be anything big. Maybe one of these can be your goal for the next 26 days:
- try to touch your toes each morning and evening
- read one verse of the Bible each morning
- march in place during the commercials when watching TV
- clean off the kitchen counter each day after supper
- eat an apple instead of ice cream for your bedtime snack
Pick something simple to start out with, and see how it goes. It might help to pick a reward for yourself or find a buddy to do it with you. Can’t find one? I’ll be your buddy. Actually, I’m hoping to try for another 26 days. That should take me to somewhere in late October. Maybe you and I could race to see who can complete their 26 days first! Just an idea.
And now, a Bible passage. This one is from Proverbs 14:23.
All hard work brings a profit.
It’s true. I tested it.
Thanks for the inspiration! Always love reading your blogs!