Friday, April 8, 2011


I have always loved to sing. Walking home from school, doing chores around the farm, listening to LP’s on the living room floor… I spent my childhood singing my heart out.

As soon as I was old enough, I joined any and every choir I could. I was voted most dedicated choir member in high school, and was our college choir’s alto section leader.

Singing was my life. Still, I was not offended or surprised when my college voice instructor told me, “You do not have a soloist’s voice.” I knew my voice was made for singing in a choir, and that suited me just fine. I’ll never forget the first time I felt the joy of singing faith-centered music hand-in-hand with faith-filled brothers and sisters in Christ in the Bethany Lutheran College Choir. It wasn’t just notes. It was so much more. A prayer. A holy offering to the Lord. A taste of heaven. The ultimate.

Or was it?

One day during rehearsal for a small singing group I was in, our director made this statement: “Someday each of you will most likely direct a church choir.” I do not remember why he said it, or what he said next. All I remember thinking was, “Really! Direct? Me? What would that be like? To stand in front of a group of singers, and not join them in song, but lead them in song?” I wasn’t sure, but I wanted to find out.

But how could I? I wasn’t a music major. I wasn’t an anything major. Bethany was a two-year college in those days, and I ended up graduating with an Associate of Arts degree. You can’t do much with an Associate of Arts degree, so I got married. Then came baby number one, followed by baby number two, and babies number three and four. But even through those Mommy years, I still sang in church choirs. And that dream of one day directing never left me.

Then came the summer of 1997. Our church choir director was stepping down, and I knew they were looking for his replacement. Was this my chance? Was I ready? I didn’t know. So I asked the one who knows everything. I got down on my knees and prayed, and prayed, and prayed. I prayed so much I wondered if God was sick of me. But then I remembered the parable of the persistent neighbor (See Luke 11:5-8) and I prayed some more.

Perhaps you’re wondering why I didn’t just call the Pastor and tell him I wanted to direct. Well, I thought about it. Believe me. But I figured if God thought it was time, he’d make it happen. And you know what, he didn’t. The elders asked someone else to do it. That was hard, but looking back, I thank and praise him for that. I would have made a mess of things there. I can see that now.

Fast-forward to 2009. My friend Ron was director of the Southwest Area Lutheran Chorale, and was looking for another person to share those duties. Again, I went to the Lord in prayer. Is this my time? Then one Sunday morning, I went up to Ron and asked him. “I don’t know if this is a crazy idea, but do you think I could try directing this year, just a few songs?”

“I don’t think that’s crazy at all,” he replied, and I my heart rejoiced.

The following spring I directed 3 songs for the Chorale. The experience was about twice as hard as I thought it would be, and about 10 times as wonderful!

This year I’m directing the Chorale again. I have pretty much the second half the concert, 7 songs. Those 7 songs are twice as hard as the 3 I did last year, but I think I’m enjoying it 100 times as much. I’m less nervous this year, and better able to listen to what’s going on, and discern what needs to be done to get the best out of “my” choir. I wouldn’t say I’m an excellent director, but I’m getting there.

I also think the Chorale is getting used to me, and trusting me more, and that’s huge. I have a book called “A Novice’s Guide to Directing the Church Choir.” In it, the author talks about building a “rapport” with your choir. I think that’s just a fancy word for them getting used to you. Trust me, I know my personality takes some getting used to! But God has blessed me with this opportunity to do what I love in service to him and his people. I’m humbled, honored, and thrilled beyond words. And I’m so, so, grateful to the members of the Chorale for coming to practices, taking my direction, and especially for encouraging me along the way. You guys are the best!

And now I’d like to invite you to come to our concerts this Sunday, April 10th. I’ve posted the times and locations below, but get this - You don’t even have to fill your gas tanks to join us! Our concert at 7:00 pm is being live streamed from the St. John’s, Sleepy Eye website. Just go to this site and click on the live worship link.

I hope you can make it, if not physically, then on-line. Join with us as we sing God’s praise, Hallelujah!

IMPORTANT NOTE: I’ve written a lot in this blog about me and my journey from singer, to choir-member, to director. But I hope you see the bigger picture here. It’s not about me. It’s about what God has done for me. Not only has he adopted me into the family of believers and filled my heart with joy, he’s letting me use the gifts he has given me to express that joy in song, along with my brothers and sisters in Christ. What a blessing that is!

ADDITIONAL NOTE: Another huge blessing to the Chorale, and both Jim and me, is our very gifted and dedicated accompanist. This is her third year playing piano for the Chorale, and she does an amazing job! She comes to every rehearsal, and puts in hours and hours of practicing at home as well to get ready for these concerts. She is a special gal, and I’m not just saying that because she’s my baby number three. Thanks, Danica! We couldn’t do it without you!

ONE LAST NOTE: When we were selecting our songs for this year’s concert, I kept bumping into the Hallelujah Chorus. I heard it on the radio, on the internet. It was everywhere. I took it as a sign from above, and suggested we add it to our list. No one voted it down, so it’s the last song I direct, our big finish. The only thing more moving to me than singing that piece, is directing it.

Hallelujah! And he shall reign forever and ever. Hallelujah!

Southwest Area Lutheran Chorale Concerts

April 10, 2011

Zion Lutheran in Morton, MN 2:30 pm

St. John Lutheran in Sleepy Eye, MN 7:00 pm

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