Sunday, June 5, 2011


I made a decision a few days ago. I decided to finish my novel. Emily

I thought I had decided not to. I was talking to a friend of mine a few months ago. He’s a very gifted artist. He’s had a project in mind for years. He was telling me about it. It’s a painting of the communion chalice, with scenes from the life of Christ within the reflection on the cup. Pure genius. I asked him how far along he is in the project. He has the canvas, the paints, and the plan in mind. All he has to do now is start.

As we were discussing the matter I told him I have a big project in mind too, but if I never get it done, it really doesn’t matter. It’s just a silly love story. The world will go on spinning whether I finish it or not.

But I’ve changed my mind since then. Why, you ask? I’ll tell you.

Reason number one.

This past week I read no less than four little Christian Romance novels. To varying degrees, I found each of them to be quite enjoyable. The last one I read was a first time novel by a woman named Tracey Victoria Bateman. I must say, I enjoyed her story most of all. “Darling Cassidy” had all the elements of a good love story, with just enough humor, conflict and surprises to keep my interest from beginning to end. In short, it was a delight.

Emily could be a delight too. I certainly enjoy rereading it. I’m sure others would as well. But only if I finish it. Still, writing a novel is hard work. It takes time, and effort. A nice laptop wouldn’t hurt either.

Reason number two.

A week ago today, my oldest daughter informed me that she had recently purchased a new laptop. She then asked me if I wanted her old “MacBook Pro.” Did I ever! The next day I traveled to Mankato to pick it up. I now have a laptop of my very own. One that can go online and store files to a flash drive. It’s what I’ve dreamt of for years.

I’m sure you’re wondering… “If you wanted one that badly, why didn’t you just buy yourself one?” Well, I thought about it. But I figured if God wanted me to have one, he’d make it so, one way or another…and he did! Amazing.

So now I have a room in which to work, a computer to work on, lots of half used notebooks to jot ideas down on (thanks to Danica and Zack), and best of all, time. My part time job and a little housework now and again don’t even come close to filling my days. Consequently, I have many hours each day to devote to my writing, and no excuses not to.

The only thing holding me back was this one question, “Is spending hours and hours writing a silly romance novel God-pleasing stewardship of my time and talents?” This past Thursday afternoon, I still didn’t know the answer to that question. Then I went to church in Sleepy Eye.

Reason number three.

This past Thursday was Ascension. I’ve always loved the Ascension Services, but since our church decided not to hold one this year, I ended up going to church in Sleepy Eye with Danica. The service was filled with all sorts of beautiful music including several selections by the choir, a few sung by the children, as well as some congregational hymns.

At the end of the service the pastor thanked the musicians for their contribution to our worship. He said the gem of the gospel is indeed lovely on its own, but when we present that gospel in a beautiful setting, such as in music, God is pleased.

It made me wonder…could another beautiful setting for the gospel be a work of fiction? If one took the truths of scripture, and wove them into the story in an honest and meaningful way… would that too be pleasing to God? I decided it could. Certainly it could.

And so I started writing, and writing, and writing some more. This entire weekend I’ve done little else. And I’m pleased to report, it’s coming along nicely, God be praised.

As I’ve said before, I know my little story won’t win any Pulitzer Prizes, but it might do what Tracey Victoria Bateman’s book did for me a few days ago. Her story took me to another time, and another place, where I could lose myself in the lives of a few cleverly crafted fictional characters as they learned lessons about love, both earthly and heavenly. It was a pure delight. I hope that’s what Emily can be one day as well.

Enough writing about writing. Time to post this long overdue blog and get back to my novel!

Happy summer, everyone! May yours be filled with at least a few completed projects, and many delightful moments.

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