Saturday, January 21, 2012

2012 aint all bad

I did laundry on Wednesday, January 18th, 2012. I did many other things that day as well. But after work, and running a few errands, and before Choir practice that evening, I was able to sneak in 3 loads of wash: one load of darks, one of whites, and one of mainly towels. It was my little chore for the day.

That was Wednesday, January 18th, 2012.

But what if it had been January 18th, 1912?

What if destiny had me born 100 years earlier, or 200, or 1000? What would doing the laundry be like then?

Would I have hot running water? Not likely. I’d probably have to pump my water from a well, if I had a pump, and a well. Otherwise I’d have to fetch it from a stream or spring, I guess. Then I’d have to heat it up over a fire or stove once I had that going with wood or coal or whatever sort of fuel people used 100, or 200, or 1000 years ago. Then I’d grab my bar of lye soap and get right in there with my hands, scrubbing each garment on a wash board, or a rock. I’ve never washed anything this way, but I imagine it would be back-breaking work. Then I’d have to ring out the clothes and hang them up to dry. How did they dry things when it's 5 degrees outside? Indoors, I suppose.

In short, doing laundry in 2012 isn’t much of a chore like it used to be in the days before indoor plumbing, water heaters and automatic washers and driers.

I’m really glad about that.

I’m also glad 2012 comes with…

refrigerators, freezers, stoves, ovens, and microwaves that make food storage and preparation almost a no-brainer

vehicles that get us places (even in this bitter cold) in relative comfort

glasses that help people like me see 20/20

antibiotics when we need them

toilets that flush




What modern-day conveniences/inventions do you appreciate most?

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