Saturday, January 28, 2012

Linette Grows Up

On Tuesday I got my first pair of “grownup glasses.”

That’s what my eye doctor calls them.

They’re actually multifocals.

If I hold something about ten inches away and through the bottom part of my lenses, sort of cross-eyed, I can see that something nice and clear. If I look through a small area in the center of my new glasses I can see items at arm’s length clearly. And if I look through the top of my lenses I can see things far away crystal clear.

They were made just for me, and cost me a lot of money.

I should love them.

I want to love them.

I’m trying really hard to love them.

But so far, they are driving me batty!

They say it will take me a week or two to learn how to adjust my head and neck as I look about, so I’m looking through the right part of my glasses to see in focus at all distances. But I don’t think I’m learning anything, except maybe how to put up with everything around me swinging in and out of focus.

But I’ll try to be patient. What else can I do? I don’t think the eye doctor takes returns.

In the meantime if you see me swaying as I walk or tripping on curbs, I’m not drunk.

I’m just old.

I mean “grownup.”

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